Children are wiser than their elders. here wiser is___

ক) in superlative degree
খ) in positive degree
গ) in comparative degree
ঘ) not in any degree

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ক) tall
খ) taller
গ) tallest
ঘ) the tallest
ক) worse
খ) better
গ) worst
ঘ) bad
ক) better
খ) worst
গ) best
ঘ) immune
ক) Mango is more sweet than any other fruits in the world .
খ) Mango is sweeter than all other fruits .
গ) Mango is sweeter than most other fruits in the world .
ঘ) Mango is sweeter than any other fruits in the world .
ক) No other wood is as pretty as it burns.
খ) No other wood burns is as pretty as it .
গ) No other wood burns as pretty as it .
ঘ) No other wood burns as pretty as it .

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