Choose the grammatically wrong sentence.
ক) He has no desire for fame
খ) I intend to go to Rajshahi
গ) He is too miserly to part with his money
ঘ) He has invited me for dinnner
Related Questions
ক) He was always arguing with his brother.
খ) His failure resulted for lack of attention.
গ) When will you write to him about your plan?
ঘ) Who was the boy you were all laughing at?
ক) The land is belonged to an old lady.
খ) They parted from one another suddenly.
গ) The leader expressed himself forcibly.
ঘ) Mother bought me an icecream.
ক) He asked me if I have passed
খ) He asked me if I had passed
গ) He asked me if I passed
ঘ) He asked me did I pass
ক) Paper is made of wood
খ) Paper is made from wood
গ) Paper is made by wood
ঘ) Paper is made on wood
ক) জহির রায়হান
খ) গাফ্ফার চৌধুরী
গ) শামসুর রাহমান
ঘ) মাহবুব-উল-আলম চৌধুরী
জব সলুশন