Choose the incorrect sentence

ক) I need an apple
খ) I need some apples
গ) I need Apple
ঘ) I need the apple

Related Questions

ক) The chair is made from wood
খ) The chair is made by wood
গ) The chair is made on wood
ঘ) The chair is made of wood
ক) tall
খ) taller
গ) tallest
ঘ) the tallest
ক) Mango is more sweet than any other fruits in the world .
খ) Mango is sweeter than all other fruits .
গ) Mango is sweeter than most other fruits in the world .
ঘ) Mango is sweeter than any other fruits in the world .
ক) No other wood is as pretty as it burns.
খ) No other wood burns is as pretty as it .
গ) No other wood burns as pretty as it .
ঘ) No other wood burns as pretty as it .
ক) so,so
খ) that,like
গ) as,as
ঘ) very,as
ক) the most prettiest of all
খ) prettiest one of all
গ) the prettiest one from all
ঘ) the prettiest one of all

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