পৃথিবীতে প্রাণের সূচনা হয় আনুমানিক---

ক) ১০০ কোটি বছর আগে
খ) ১০ লক্ষ বছর আগে
গ) ১০ কোটি বছর আগে
ঘ) ১ কোটি বছর আগে

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ক) প্রোটোপ্লাজম
খ) ক্রোমোজোম
গ) মাইটোকন্ড্রিয়া
ঘ) নিউক্লিয়াস
ক) He is angry upon me.
খ) He is angry at me.
গ) He is angry of me.
ঘ) He is angry with me.
ক) He copied the answer word by word.
খ) he copied the answer word
গ) He copied the answer word for word.
ঘ) he copied the answer word in word
ক) The lion roared and said to the mouse why he wake him up?
খ) The lion roared and asked the mouse how it dared to wake him up
গ) The lion said the mouse why it got him up?
ঘ) The lion questioned the mouse how it dared to wake him up?
ক) Anis said that he must write a letter.
খ) Anis said he had to write a letter.
গ) Anis said that he had to write a letter
ঘ) Anis said he must write a letter.
ক) He is liked by all his pupils.
খ) he was liked by all his pupils.
গ) He is like by all his pupils.
ঘ) He is being liked by all his pupils.

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