A seventeen year old is not -- to vote in an election.

ক) old enough
খ) as old enough
গ) enough old
ঘ) enough old as

Related Questions

ক) too much
খ) too many
গ) many
ঘ) expensive
ক) too follish to
খ) too intelligent to
গ) too rash to
ঘ) too wise to
ক) very
খ) so
গ) too
ঘ) enough
ক) so difficult
খ) very difficult
গ) too difficult
ঘ) difficult enough
ক) too much high
খ) much too high
গ) high
ঘ) high too much
ক) most
খ) so
গ) very
ঘ) too

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