স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধের প্রতীক হিসেবে পরিচিত ভাস্কর্য “অঙ্গীকার” এর অবস্থান কোথায়?

ক) মেহেরপুর
খ) জয়দেবপুর
গ) চাঁদপুর
ঘ) রংপুর

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ক) ফরিদপুরে
খ) জামালপুরে
গ) পটুয়াখালীতে
ঘ) যশোরে
ক) He succeed to get a job
খ) He is suffering from fever for a week
গ) Guard the children against bad company
ঘ) The train is running in time
ক) A few boys are present today
খ) His dress is inferior than mine
গ) He prevented me to go there
ঘ) He as well as his brother was present
ক) Farida told her mother that she should go to bed now
খ) Farida told her mother that she will go to bed then
গ) Farida told her mother that she would go to bed then
ঘ) Farida told her mother that she will go to bed now

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