ক) retrains : compose
খ) agitate : trouble
গ) stimulate : cool down
ঘ) upset : perturb
Related Questions
ক) Sohel is taller than I
খ) Sohel is taller than me
গ) I did not think it was her
ঘ) She is out of her danger
ক) The man is too weak to walk.
খ) The man is so weak to walk.
গ) The man is too weak for him to walk.
ঘ) The man is so weak for him to walk.
ক) preposition
খ) Adjective
গ) Adverb
ঘ) Noun
ক) in a body
খ) a crowd
গ) huge
ঘ) a small gathering
ক) in disorderly
খ) at a standstill
গ) on embracing point
ঘ) on the point of fighting
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