Bill of fare' is ---

ক) a chart of bus fare
খ) a price list
গ) a valuable document
ঘ) a list of dishes at a restaurant

Related Questions

ক) Book written by famous writer
খ) to Rebuke
গ) Valueless person
ঘ) None of the above
ক) a false question
খ) an important question
গ) Hard question
ঘ) a uncommon question
ক) Irregularly
খ) Carefully
গ) Regularly
ঘ) Attentively
ক) stop
খ) support
গ) explode
ঘ) continue
ক) At rapid rates
খ) aimlessly
গ) easily
ঘ) wisely
ক) one by one
খ) black and white
গ) black and blue
ঘ) one after another

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