শিশুটি কাঁদতে কাঁদতে আমার কাছে এল ।
ক) The child comes to me run
খ) The child came to me running
গ) The child came to me crying
ঘ) The child came to me to cry
Related Questions
ক) Principal clause
খ) Noun clause
গ) Adjective Clause
ঘ) Adverbial clause
ক) adjective clause
খ) adverbial clause
গ) noun clause
ঘ) co-ordinate clause
ক) Preposition
খ) a verb clause
গ) not a clause
ঘ) the principal clause
ক) an adjective phrase
খ) a noun phrase
গ) an adverbial phrase
ঘ) a prepositional phrase
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