Cry wolf" means-

ক) Give a false alarm
খ) Bare one's teeth
গ) Clear the road
ঘ) Show anger

Related Questions

ক) tears of a crocodile
খ) deceptive cry
গ) tears of any animal
ঘ) tears of an unlucky person
ক) The basic facts about sex
খ) The bird's eye view
গ) The birds and bees are good workers
ঘ) The relation between the birds and bees
ক) The final step
খ) The end of a road
গ) The last line of a book
ঘ) The essential point
ক) a chart of bus fare
খ) a price list
গ) a valuable document
ঘ) a list of dishes at a restaurant
ক) Book written by famous writer
খ) to Rebuke
গ) Valueless person
ঘ) None of the above
ক) Changing
খ) Has changed
গ) Changed
ঘ) Has been changing

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