Which one of the following is an optative sentence?
ক) May you pass the examination
খ) Long live the king
গ) I request you keep quiet
ঘ) We are going to market
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ক) better
খ) rather
গ) would rather
ঘ) would better
ক) Optative
খ) Imperative
গ) Assertive
ঘ) Exclamatory
ক) Very few evils is as bad as corruption.
খ) No other evils are as bad as corruption.
গ) No other evil is as bad as corruption.
ঘ) Very few evils are as bad as corruption.
ক) to,to,on
খ) to,on,in
গ) to,for,on
ঘ) to,from,on
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