We use a----before the indirect speech.
ক) linker
খ) article
গ) adjective
ঘ) preposition
Related Questions
ক) In spite of his poverty he is happy
খ) I know that he is rich
গ) He is very weak so that he can not walk
ঘ) Did he write a letter
ক) He worked very hard but he could not succeed in life
খ) He worked very hard and he succeeded in life
গ) He worked very hard in order to succeed in life
ঘ) He wanted to succeed in life and so he worked very hard
ক) He confessed when he became guilty .
খ) He confessed that he was guilty .
গ) He confessed because he was guilty .
ঘ) He confessed though he was not guilty .
ক) Move and die .
খ) Move or die .
গ) He cannot move and die .
ঘ) Let him move or he will die .
ক) If you move , you will die .
খ) By moving you will die .
গ) Without moving you will die .
ঘ) If you do not move , you will do.
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