The antonym of ' Colossal' is-
ক) Great
খ) Gigantic
গ) Tiny
ঘ) Poor
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ক) He told me come here
খ) He told that i should come here
গ) He ordered me that i go there
ঘ) He told me to go there
ক) Anis said he must write a letter
খ) Anis said that he must write a letter
গ) Anis said he had to write a letter
ঘ) Anis said that he had to write a letter
ক) He had wished Mr. Kamal good morning.
খ) He wished Mr. Kamal good morning.
গ) He said Mr. Kamal good morning.
ঘ) He told Mr. Kamal good morning.
ক) The teacher remarked that they had all done it very badly.
খ) The teacher told that they did it very badly.
গ) The teacher said that they have done worsed.
ঘ) The teacher remarked that they do it bad.
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