Choose the correct sentence.

ক) Quote this poem from memory
খ) Quote this poem from the memory
গ) Quote this poem from heart
ঘ) Quote this poem from the heart

Related Questions

ক) Man needs water too
খ) Man needs after things too
গ) Man is never content
ঘ) Man needs other food also
ক) thorm in the flesh
খ) storm in a tep cup
গ) nail in his coffin
ঘ) spoke in his wheel
ক) never returned
খ) never return
গ) never to return
ঘ) never have returned
ক) Take to task
খ) put off
গ) Put out
ঘ) Play truant
ক) To start a conversation
খ) To end the hostility
গ) To end up partnership
ঘ) to start quarreling
ক) a rule based on science.
খ) a bad rule
গ) a rule that must be obeyed
ঘ) a rule based on past experience rather than on theory

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