"Duchess" is feminine of ----

ক) Earl
খ) Dramatist
গ) Dutchman
ঘ) Duke

Related Questions

ক) Explain why good and evil are necessary
খ) Justify the ways of man to God
গ) Justify the ways of God to man
ঘ) Show that the Satan and God have equal power English
ক) special
খ) laugh
গ) crime
ঘ) miser
ক) Neither roads are led to the railway station
খ) Neither of the roads leads to the railway station
গ) neither of the roads leads to the railway station
ঘ) Neither of the roads are leading to the railway station
ক) take up
খ) take off
গ) start up
ঘ) get off
ক) to read carefully
খ) to grasp the hidden meaning
গ) to concentrate
ঘ) to suspect
ক) each
খ) myself
গ) who
ঘ) he

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