Choose the correct sentence...

ক) He speakes English like English
খ) He is speakes the English like English
গ) He speakes English like the English
ঘ) He speakes the English like the English

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ক) simple
খ) productive
গ) purebred
ঘ) raised
ক) Suname
খ) Sunamee
গ) Tsunami
ঘ) Sunami
ক) It has to be done to me
খ) It has to be done by me
গ) It is to be done by me
ঘ) Let it be done by me
ক) has retired
খ) will be retired
গ) retired
ঘ) had retired
ক) stress
খ) spelling
গ) sound
ঘ) pronunciation

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