Having been served lunch,_.
ক) the problem was discussed by the members of the committe
খ) the committe members discussed the problem
গ) it was dicussion of the committe members the problem
ঘ) a discussion of the problem was made by the members of committe
Related Questions
ক) as we crossed the street, a car almost struck us
খ) crossing the street, a car almost struck us.
গ) Having crossed the street, a car almost struck us
ঘ) a car almost struck us, crossed the street
ক) Hearing the good news , I was happy
খ) Hearing the good news, happines was mine
গ) Hearing good news, happy I was
ঘ) Hearing the good news, mine was happiness
ক) my education will be employed by the University
খ) employment will be given to me by the University
গ) the University will employ me
ঘ) I will be employed of the University
ক) that he not work to hard for three
খ) take it easy for three months
গ) taking it easy inside of three months
ঘ) to take some vacations for three months
জব সলুশন