গোঁফ-খেজুরে' -এই বাগধারার অর্থ কি?
ক) আরামপ্রিয়
খ) উদাসীন
গ) নিতান্ত অলস
ঘ) পরমুখাপেক্ষী
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ক) fundamental rights of prisoners
খ) Withdrawal of the embassy
গ) freedom of speech
ঘ) quorum of the parliament
ক) high achievement
খ) to accomplish a task
গ) a thing that has been done and can not be altered now
ঘ) a total accident
ক) officiating
খ) functional office
গ) functional authority
ঘ) having no further authority
ক) in a body
খ) a crowd
গ) huge
ঘ) a small gathering
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