It's time (you realize) your mistakes . Which of the following clause fits in the above sentence?
ক) you would realize
খ) you realized
গ) you have realized
ঘ) that you realize
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ক) a principal clause
খ) subordinate clause
গ) a co-ordinate clause
ঘ) none of them
ক) a noun clause
খ) an adjective clause
গ) an adverbial clause
ঘ) none of them
ক) Noun clause
খ) Adjective clause
গ) Adverb claus
ঘ) Noun phrase
ক) after I have left
খ) after I was left
গ) after I had left
ঘ) after I left
ক) main clause
খ) adjectival clause
গ) adverbial clause
ঘ) noun clause
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