Strike while the iron is hot' is an example of-

ক) Non clause
খ) Adjective clause
গ) Adverbial clause
ঘ) Subordirate clause

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ক) simple sentence
খ) complex sentence
গ) compound sentence
ঘ) complex and compound sentence
ক) after i left
খ) after i was left
গ) after i had left
ঘ) after i have left
ক) that you deceive me
খ) that you will deceive me
গ) that you would deceive me
ঘ) that i will deceive me
ক) that I gave up smoking
খ) that I give up smoking
গ) that I will give up smoking
ঘ) that smoking is given up
ক) who help themselves
খ) who helps themselves
গ) who helps himself
ঘ) who help own Selves
ক) adverbial phrase
খ) adverbial clause
গ) noun clause
ঘ) adjective clause

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