Mention the clause of the inverted part of the sentence: He came 'when I was there'.

ক) Noun clause
খ) Adverbial clause
গ) Adjective clause
ঘ) None

Related Questions

ক) infinitive phrase as an adjective
খ) infinitive phase as a post-modifier of an adjective
গ) infinitive phrase as an intransitive verb
ঘ) infinitive phrase as a transitive verb.
ক) adjective clause
খ) noun clause
গ) adverb clause
ঘ) adverb phrase
ক) it expresses a single idea
খ) it forms a complete sentence
গ) it is incompatible with a clause
ঘ) it is synonymous with a clause
ক) Franch language
খ) A mixed language
গ) latin Language
ঘ) Translated version
ক) the french language
খ) the common language
গ) the first language
ঘ) language of brothers
ক) Between the space
খ) Among other things
গ) Above all
ঘ) None of the above

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