which is the correct spelling ?

ক) Achievrnent
খ) Achievement
গ) Achevenent
ঘ) Achevinent

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ক) strong
খ) stronger
গ) much
ঘ) strongest
ক) to show
খ) showing
গ) show
ঘ) showed
ক) cook
খ) was cooking
গ) would cook
ঘ) had cooked
ক) Farida told her mother that she would go to bed then
খ) Farida told her mother that she will go to bed now
গ) Farida told her mother that she should go to bed
ঘ) Farida told her mother that she will go to bed
ক) the
খ) his
গ) her
ঘ) one's
ক) William Wordsworth
খ) Jonathan Swift
গ) R. L Stefvenson
ঘ) Thomas Hardy

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