Dhaka is one of the biggest cities in Bangladesh . (Positive)
ক) No other cities in Bangladesh are as big as Dhaka .
খ) Very few cities in Bangladesh are as big as Dhaka .
গ) Very few cities in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka .
ঘ) Some cities in Bangladesh is big as Dhaka .
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ক) He is a good boy in the class .
খ) No other boy is so good as he .
গ) No other boy in the class is as good as he .
ঘ) He is better than any other boy.
ক) Writing is not as good as reading
খ) Reading is not as good as writing
গ) Nothing is as good as writing
ঘ) No other thing is as good as reading
ক) the sky is blue
খ) The earth is round
গ) The moon shines by night
ঘ) A sky is blue
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