স্বাধীনতা হীনতায় কে বাঁচিতে চায়।'- এটি রঙ্গলাল বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় এর কোন গ্রন্থ হতে নেওয়া হয়েছে?
ক) পদ্মিনী উপাখ্যান
খ) কর্মদেবী
গ) শূর সুন্দরী
ঘ) কাঞ্চীকাবেরী
Related Questions
ক) Pioneer man and woman endured terrible hardships, and so did their children
খ) Pioneer man and woman endured terrible hardships, and so do their children
গ) Pioneer man and woman endured terrible hardships, and neither did the children
ঘ) Pioneer man and woman endured terrible hardships, and also the children
ক) were
খ) are
গ) be
ঘ) will be
ক) the drowning child was rescued
খ) the drowning child will be rescued
গ) the child has been rescued
ঘ) he rescued the drowning child
ক) was a photograph of my mother
খ) a photograph of my mother was
গ) I saw a photograph of my mother
ঘ) a photograph of my mother I saw
জব সলুশন