Pluck me a flower বাক্যটির passive voice কোনটি?

ক) Let a flower be plucked me.
খ) Let a flower be plucked for me.
গ) Let a flower plucked for me.
ঘ) Let a flower be plucked by me.

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খ) Let a song ne sang by her
গ) Let a song sing by her
ঘ) Let a song sung by her
ক) The window should be opened.
খ) Let the window be opened.
গ) Let the window be opened by you.
ঘ) The window must be opened.
ক) It has to be done by me
খ) It is to be done by me
গ) It has to be done by me
ঘ) Let it be done by me
ক) He is being gone ti open a shop
খ) A shop is being gone opened by him
গ) A shop will be opened by him
ঘ) A shop is going to be opened by him.
ক) We were worried about his behaviour.
খ) We were worried with his behaviour
গ) We were worried by his behaviour
ঘ) We have been worried by his behaviour
ক) He annoyed me with conduct
খ) I was annoyed with his conduct
গ) I was annoyed from his conduct
ঘ) I was annoyed at his conduct

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