He gave me a dress which was expensive. (Simple)

ক) He gave me a dress expensive.
খ) He gave me a dress and it was expensive.
গ) He gave me a expensive dress.
ঘ) He gave me an expensive dress.

Related Questions

ক) He is unfortunately failed .
খ) It is unforunately that he failed.
গ) He is failded unfortunately.
ঘ) It is unfortunate that he failed.
ক) This is her knitting needle .
খ) This is the needle the she uses for knitting
গ) This is the needle for knitting
ঘ) This needle can be used for knitting .
ক) Without your help what can he do.
খ) Unless you help him he can do nothing.
গ) He can do nothing without your help.
ঘ) He can do anything unless you help him.
ক) We should read books for gaining knowledge
খ) We should read books and gain knowledge
গ) We should read books so that we can gain knowledge
ঘ) We want to gain knowledge and so we should read books
ক) There is no life without hope
খ) There is life so there is hope
গ) There is life and there is hope.
ঘ) Because of hope,there is life.
ক) Without working hard and you will not succeed
খ) Work hard or you will not succeed
গ) Work hard and you will not succeed
ঘ) You work hard and will succeed

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