Select the right compound structure of the sentence : "Though he is poor, he is honest"

ক) He is poor and honest
খ) As he is poor, he is honest
গ) He is poor but honest
ঘ) Since he is poor, he is honest

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ক) I have no money to spare
খ) I have not so money to be spared
গ) I have money but not to spare
ঘ) I have money but not is spare
ক) Man is the maker of his own fortune .
খ) Man make his own fortune .
গ) Men and the makers of his own fortune .
ঘ) Men make his own fortune .
ক) He declared his innocent.
খ) He declare his innocence .
গ) He said about his innocent.
ঘ) He described about his innocence.
ক) He confessed when he became guilty .
খ) He confessed that he was guilty .
গ) He confessed because he was guilty .
ঘ) He confessed though he was not guilty .
ক) as he can shine in life
খ) that he can shine in life
গ) to shining in life
ঘ) so that he can shine in life
ক) If you do not study hard, you will fail
খ) If you study hard, you will fail
গ) If you not study hard, you will fail
ঘ) In case of your study hard, you will fail

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