The phrase ' Bid adieu' means-

ক) Saying goodbye
খ) Doing forbidden works
গ) Being ardent
ঘ) Doing anduous work

Related Questions

ক) Negative sentence
খ) Complex sentence
গ) Compound sentence
ঘ) None
ক) compound sentence
খ) complex
গ) simple
ঘ) exclamatory
ক) Simple sentence
খ) Complex Sentence
গ) Compound sentence
ঘ) Exclamatory sentence
ক) He is too dishonest that he cannot speak the truth
খ) He is too dishonest to be spoken the truth
গ) He is too dishonest to speak the truth
ঘ) He is very dishonest and cannot speak the truth
ক) The man is too weak to walk.
খ) The man is so weak to walk.
গ) The man is too weak for him to walk.
ঘ) The man is so weak for him to walk.
ক) Move and die .
খ) Move or die .
গ) He cannot move and die .
ঘ) Let him move or he will die .

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