বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে ছোট(আয়তন) জেলা কোনটি ?

ক) নারায়ণগঞ্জ
খ) নরসিংদী
গ) মেহেরপুর
ঘ) সাতক্ষীরা

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ক) I said to him that he was a doctor
খ) I said to him whether he is a doctor
গ) I asked him whether he is a doctor
ঘ) I asked him weather he was a doctor
ক) She asked him what he wanted
খ) She asked him what he wants
গ) She asks him what he wants
ঘ) She wanted him
ক) My father told me that they would be going there the next day.
খ) My father said to me that they are going there the next day.
গ) My father told me that they were going there the next day.
ঘ) My father told me that they are going there the next day.
ক) He said that they must go for walk.
খ) He suggested that they should go for a walk.
গ) He proposed that they would go for walk.
ঘ) He proposed to go for walk.
ক) He told me that he didn't believe me.
খ) He said he does not believe me.
গ) He says he didn't believe me.
ঘ) He says he does not believe me.
ক) Sally told me to get a drink for her.
খ) Sally asked me to get her a drink
গ) Sally told me to get a drink.
ঘ) Sally inquired me to have a drink for her.

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