Choose the correct sentence :

ক) The man appears to be stronger than other living men.
খ) The man appears to be stronger than many living men.
গ) The man appears to be stronger than all other living men.
ঘ) The man appears to be stronger than any other living men.

Related Questions

ক) dull
খ) insert
গ) contract
ঘ) discrete
ক) Achievment
খ) Acheivment
গ) Achievement
ঘ) Acheivement
ক) to
খ) of
গ) for
ঘ) with
ক) noun
খ) adjective
গ) pronoun
ঘ) both noun and adjective
ক) Diarrhoea
খ) Dirohea
গ) Dirrohea
ঘ) Dirrhoea

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