'Among' is a preposition that is used when _______people are involved

ক) four only
খ) two
গ) more than two
ঘ) two or more than two

Related Questions

ক) She asked me whetther I am happy in my new job.
খ) She asked me If had been happy in my new job.
গ) She asked me if I was happy in my new job.
ঘ) She asked me if I have been happy in my new job.
ক) Before
খ) Collective
গ) Common
ঘ) Abstract
ক) It has to be done by me.
খ) It is to be done by me
গ) Let it be done by me.
ঘ) It has to be done to me
ক) You, he I am present
খ) He, You and I am present
গ) I, you and he I am present
ঘ) You, he and I are present
ক) willingly
খ) known
গ) intentional
ঘ) familiar

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