The idiom 'put up with' means'

ক) stay together
খ) tolerate
গ) keep trust
ঘ) protect

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ক) would come
খ) would have come
গ) may had come
ঘ) would may come
ক) He is better and superior than me.
খ) He is better and superior to me .
গ) He is better and superior to me.
ঘ) He is suprior than and better to me.
ক) controlled prices
খ) economic slow down
গ) a disintegrating government
ঘ) cultural dullness
ক) polite
খ) law -abiding
গ) liberal
ঘ) submissive
ক) destroy
খ) obliterate
গ) establish
ঘ) extinguish
ক) ample
খ) copious
গ) meagre
ঘ) abundant

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