. 'Once in a blue moon ' means -

ক) full moon night
খ) very rarely
গ) very often
ঘ) moonlit night

Related Questions

ক) Possessive pronoun
খ) Indefinite pronoun
গ) Distributive pronoun
ঘ) Relative Pronoun
ক) No other wood is as pretty is burns
খ) No other wood burns is as pretty as it .
গ) No other wood burns as pretty as it.
ঘ) No other wood burn as pretty as it .
ক) disguise
খ) difficult
গ) dangerous
ঘ) heavy
ক) see through
খ) put up with
গ) pass by
ঘ) fall back
ক) I surprised at his behavior
খ) I was surprised with his behavior
গ) I had been surprised at has behaviour
ঘ) I was surprised at his behaviour
ক) কৃৎ-প্রকৃতির আদিস্বরের পরিবর্তনকে
খ) কৃৎ-প্রকৃতির অন্তস্বরের পরিবর্তনকে
গ) নাম -প্রকৃতির পরিবর্তনকে
ঘ) প্রাতিপদিকের পরিবর্তনকে

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