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ক) with
খ) to
গ) in
ঘ) for

Related Questions

ক) A big speech .
খ) Maiden Speech .
গ) An unimportant speech .
ঘ) A verbose speech
ক) than those of Dhaka
খ) than Dhaka
গ) than that of Dhaka
ঘ) than Dhaka's roads
ক) By whom am I called ?
খ) By whom I am called ?
গ) By whom I was called ?
ঘ) By whom am I being called?
ক) You will find such a country nowhere
খ) Nowhere you will find such a country
গ) Nowhere will you find such a country
ঘ) You will find a country like this nowhere
ক) We shall discuss about the matter
খ) We shall discuss to the mater
গ) We should discuss on the matter
ঘ) We shall discuss the matter
ক) dissimilar
খ) of the same place
গ) of the same density
ঘ) of the same kind

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