It is beyond doubt that he is a brave man. (Simple)

ক) It is doubtless that he is a brave man.
খ) There is no doubt that he is a brave man
গ) Undoubtedly he is a brave man.
ঘ) He is a brave man and there is no doubt about it.

Related Questions

ক) What is friendship but a name?
খ) Is friendship anything but a name?
গ) What is nothing but a name?
ঘ) Why is friendship a name?
ক) seen
খ) telecasting
গ) telecast
ঘ) telecasted
ক) puzzled
খ) destroyed
গ) defeat
ঘ) harm
ক) abate
খ) destroy
গ) expand
ঘ) amplify
ক) Frank
খ) Straight forward
গ) reserved
ঘ) truthful
ক) wild
খ) angry
গ) disheartend
ঘ) tame

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