I helped her solve the problem. (Passive)

ক) She was helped solve the problem
খ) The problem was solved by my
গ) Her problem was solved by me
ঘ) She was helped to solve the problem by my

Related Questions

ক) I saw him and he was going to market
খ) I saw him who was going to market
গ) I saw him to go to market
ঘ) I go to market which he was
ক) Beautify
খ) Increase
গ) Segment
ঘ) Calm
ক) discourage
খ) encourage
গ) develop
ঘ) ameliorate
ক) alien
খ) certain
গ) dubious
ঘ) dangerous
ক) quicken
খ) get
গ) mend
ঘ) lose

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