The word 'Lunar' is related to -----

ক) Moon
খ) Sun
গ) Earth
ঘ) Mars

Related Questions

ক) I advised him and he acted.
খ) I advised him that he acted.
গ) He acted according to my advis.
ঘ) He acted as I advised him.
ক) mercifullu
খ) mercilessly
গ) sympathetically
ঘ) hopefully
ক) It is raining since morning.
খ) It has been being raining since morning.
গ) It has been raining for morning.
ঘ) It has been raining since morning.
ক) Confession
খ) Confess
গ) Confusion
ঘ) Confessionably
ক) Mandatory
খ) Obligatory
গ) Voluntary
ঘ) Complimentary
ক) he was a child
খ) he is a child
গ) he has been a child
ঘ) he were a child

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