I wish I ____ a sweet song.

ক) Sang
খ) Shall sing
গ) Can sing
ঘ) Will sing

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ক) Can go
খ) Shall go
গ) Could go
ঘ) Might have gone
ক) I heard him to read
খ) I heard him reading
গ) I have heard him reading
ঘ) I saw him reading
ক) I was to go to Manikganj
খ) I am to go to Manikganj
গ) I have to go to Manikganj
ঘ) I need to go to Manikgonj
ক) It has been raining cats and dogs from morning
খ) It has been raining cats and dogs since morning
গ) It is raining cats and dogs since morning
ঘ) Rain has started cats and dogs from morning
ক) The girl likes milk more than tea
খ) The girl prefers milk to tea
গ) The girl prefers milk than tea
ঘ) The girl prefers tea to milk
ক) Alas! His mother is no more today
খ) Ah! His mother is dead
গ) Alas! His mother has died
ঘ) Alas! His mother has lost her life

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