কেটলিতে পানি টগবগ করছে ।

ক) The water is simmering in the kettle .
খ) The water is boiling in the kettle .
গ) The water is rising high in the kettle .
ঘ) The kettle is over flowing .

Related Questions

ক) Modesty are embellishment of greatness.
খ) Modesty is embellishment on greatness.
গ) Modesty is embellishment to greatness.
ঘ) Modesty is embellishment of greatness.
ক) The pen is mine .
খ) The pen is his .
গ) He is the owner of the pen.
ঘ) He belongs to the pen.
ক) very few
খ) any
গ) very little
ঘ) many
ক) take
খ) drink
গ) to drink
ঘ) having
ক) minimum
খ) a lot of
গ) limited
ঘ) critical
ক) before
খ) from
গ) by
ঘ) in

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