. I know him better than you. (Positive )

ক) You do not know him as good as I .
খ) You do not know him as well as I .
গ) You do not know him as well as me .
ঘ) You do not know him as good as me .

Related Questions

ক) s there little milk in the glass ?
খ) Isn't there little milk in the glass ?
গ) Is there any milk in the glass ?
ঘ) Isn't there any milk in the glass ?
ক) Is your payment found too little to you ?
খ) Are your payment found too little to you ?
গ) Are you payment found too little by you ?
ঘ) Is your payment found too little by you ?
ক) I not only went to the book fair but also bought a number of books .
খ) I went to the book fair and bought a number of books
গ) Going to the book fair , I bought a number of books .
ঘ) I bought a number of books when I went to the book fair .
ক) Wow ! I seen you before .
খ) Had I seen you before.
গ) Oh ! I seen you before .
ঘ) If I seen you before .
ক) beyond description
খ) beggars description
গ) out of description
ঘ) beggar description
ক) on
খ) after
গ) before
ঘ) beside

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