which is the noun of the word `beautiful`?

ক) Beauty
খ) Beautify
গ) Beauteous
ঘ) Most beautiful

Related Questions

ক) Why have you done this?
খ) Why you had done this?
গ) Why you have done this?
ঘ) Why did you done this?
ক) A diary
খ) A biography
গ) An autobiography
ঘ) A chronicle
ক) Very fat
খ) Ugly
গ) Tardy
ঘ) Obnoxious
ক) She asked me if I was happy in my new job
খ) She asked me if I have been happy in my new job
গ) She asked me whether I am happy in my new job
ঘ) She asked me if I had been happy in my new job
ক) All the good qualities are embodied on my teacher
খ) All the good qualities are embodied by my teacher
গ) All the good qualities are embodied in my teacher
ঘ) All the good qualities are embodied to my teacher

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