Would that I could fly in the sky ! (Assertive)

ক) I would fly in the sky .
খ) I could fly in the sky .
গ) I wish I could fly in the sky .
ঘ) I wish I fly in the sky .

Related Questions

ক) The tea is too hot to drink it .
খ) The tea is so hot to drink .
গ) The tea is too hot for me to drink .
ঘ) The tea is so hot for me to drink it .
ক) younger
খ) youth
গ) youngest
ঘ) tender
ক) miserly
খ) miser
গ) misery
ঘ) misearly
ক) noun
খ) adjective
গ) pronoun
ঘ) adverb
ক) adjective
খ) adverb
গ) verb
ঘ) noun
ক) knowing
খ) known
গ) knowledge
ঘ) unknown

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