A paragraph must have____

ক) an object
খ) a single idea or topic
গ) topics
ঘ) more than one para

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ক) I have a computer.
খ) I had a computer.
গ) I has a computer.
ঘ) I am a computer.
ক) Oil is floating is water.
খ) Oil floates over water.
গ) Oil floats on water.
ঘ) Oil is floated on water.
ক) I know where does he lives.
খ) I know where he is living.
গ) I know where he live.
ঘ) I know where he lives.
ক) What is Dhaka famous for?
খ) Why Dhaka is famous?
গ) What Dhaka is famous for?
ঘ) What for Dhaka is famous?
ক) All that gliter is not gold.
খ) All that gliters is not gold.
গ) All that glitters is not gold.
ঘ) All that glitters are not gold.
ক) The boy is very wicked.
খ) The boy is naughty.
গ) The boy is wicked bone to bone.
ঘ) The boy is wicked to the backbone.

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