.কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?...

ক) Achievment
খ) Acheivment
গ) Achievement
ঘ) Achevement

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ক) Bed of roses
খ) Beginning
গ) Rare-up
ঘ) Destroy at the very beginning
ক) Beautiful
খ) Precise
গ) Completely
ঘ) Incompletely
ক) I said to him if he would follow me.
খ) I asked him if he would follow me.
গ) I asked to him if he would follow me.
ঘ) I said to him if he will follow me.
ক) Addressing the boy, he asked him (boy) to tell him if the miller was within.
খ) Addressing the boy, he said to him (boy) to tell him if the miller was within.
গ) Addressing the boy, he asked him (boy) to tell him that the miller was within.
ঘ) Addressing the boy, he said him (boy) to tell him if the miller was within.
ক) The thief was being beattn by him.
খ) The thief is being beat by him.
গ) The thief is beaten by him.
ঘ) The thief is being beaten by him.
ক) He is known by me
খ) He was known to me
গ) He is known to me
ঘ) He is being known to me

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