'I know him ' এর Passive form

ক) He is known by me.
খ) He was known to me.
গ) He is known to me.
ঘ) He is being known to me.

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ক) Mister
খ) Master
গ) Mistress
ঘ) Mastery
ক) apathy
খ) indolence
গ) enterprise
ঘ) activity
ক) It has to be done by me.
খ) It is to be done by me.
গ) Let it be done by me.
ঘ) It has to be done to me.
ক) Wordsworth
খ) Herrick
গ) Shelley
ঘ) Keats
Note : প্রশ্নোক্ত লাইন দুটি William Wordsworth - এর ' I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud ' কবিতা থেকে নেয়া হয়েছে।
ক) follow on
খ) fall out
গ) follow
ঘ) following
ক) You told me that I donot do my duty.
খ) You said to me that I did not do my duty.
গ) You said to me that I donot do my duty.
ঘ) You told me that I did not do my duty.

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