Nasima said, "What a fine picture it is!" এর Indirect speech হচ্ছে ---

ক) Nasima said that it is a very fine picture.
খ) Nasima exclaimed that it was a very fine picture.
গ) Nasima exclaimed that it is a very fine picture.
ঘ) Nasima exclaimed that what a fine picture it was.

Related Questions

ক) Sometimes I am annoyed at his behaviour.
খ) Sometimes I am annoyed to his behaviour.
গ) I was annoyed sometimes at his behaviour.
ঘ) I am annoyed sometimes at his behaviour.
ক) He has been elected captain by them.
খ) He elected captain by them.
গ) He was elected captain by them.
ঘ) He is elected captain by them.
ক) Sattellite
খ) Sattelite
গ) Satelite
ঘ) Satellite
ক) Greivance
খ) Grievance
গ) Griveance
ঘ) Grieveance
ক) Contemptible
খ) Contempting
গ) Contemption
ঘ) Contemptable
ক) Falsehood
খ) Falsen
গ) Falsify
ঘ) Falsity

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