To err is human. ’Change the above sentence into negative without changing meaning .

ক) To err is not human
খ) To err is beyond humanity
গ) No man is free from error
ঘ) No man is not free from error

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ক) The reason want to do that will be explained by us.
খ) All the reasons we explain be explained by us.
গ) Why we want to be do would be explained by us.
ঘ) Why we want to do it will be explained by us.
ক) Optative
খ) Imperative
গ) Assertive
ঘ) Exclamatory
ক) A little mouse may even help a lion.
খ) Even a little mouse may help a lion.
গ) A little mouse can even help a lion.
ঘ) Even a little mouse ought to help a lion.
ক) A song let her sang be her.
খ) A song let he sung by the.
গ) Let her a song be sung
ঘ) Let a song be sung by her.
ক) We work hard to earn a lot of money.
খ) We work hard so that we earn money.
গ) We work hard so that we can earn money.
ঘ) We work hard and we want to earn money.

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