বিষয়ঃ Other
71602. Aslam said to me, "Would you like a cup of coffee?" (Make it indirect)
ক) Aslam offered me a cup of coffee.
খ) Aslam asked me if I would like a cup of coffee.
গ) Aslam proposed me a cup of coffee.
ঘ) Aslam requested me to take a cup of coffee.
71603. Choose the correct sentence.
ক) He enjoyed a lot of fun.
খ) He enjoyed lot of fun.
গ) He enjoyed lots of fun
ঘ) He enjoys lots of fun.
71605. The antonym of ‘Glamorous’ is-
ক) Do you want to love me? Love my dog.
খ) To love me, you will have to love my dog.
গ) Loving me is not possible without loving my dog.
ঘ) Love me along with my dog.
71606. She takes after her mother. Identify the underlined word.
ক) Adverb
খ) Preposition
গ) Adjective
ঘ) Verb