বিষয়ঃ Other

1001. কোনটি pronoun?

ক) They
খ) Good
গ) Bad
ঘ) Both 2 and 3

1002. কোনটি common gender ?

ক) Boy
খ) Baby
গ) Man
ঘ) Girl

1003. What is the plural form of the word ‘radius’?

ক) radio
খ) radum
গ) radial
ঘ) radi

1004. What is the noun of 'Accept'

ক) Acceptance
খ) Acceptable
গ) Accepting
ঘ) Accepted

1005. ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণের Adverb--কে বাংলা ব্যাকরণে বলে ---

ক) নাম বিশেষণ
খ) ভাব বিশেষণ
গ) সমুচ্চয়ী অব্যয়
ঘ) নামপদ

1006. To stay healthy, we must plan to have a balanced ___.

ক) food
খ) diet
গ) outlook
ঘ) figure

1007. The repetition of beginning consonant sound is know as----

ক) personification
খ) onomatopoeia
গ) alliteration
ঘ) rhyme

1008. I spent ------ with the patient.

ক) sometimes
খ) sometime
গ) some time
ঘ) some times

1009. Antibiotics-- the growth of bacteria.

ক) inhabit
খ) jolt
গ) inhibit
ঘ) gruesome

1011. The Character 'Alfred Doolittle' is taken from Shaw's play titled-

ক) Pygmalion
খ) Man and Superman
গ) The Doctor's Dilemma
ঘ) Mrs. Warren's Profession

1012. Where are the songs of spring? Aye, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too - . Who worte this?

ক) William Wordsworth
খ) Robert Browning
গ) John Keats
ঘ) Samuel Coleridge

1013. For God's sake hold your tongue, and let me love.

ক) Emily Dickinson
খ) T.S Eliot
গ) Mathew Arnold
ঘ) John Donne

1015. To be or not to be, that is the question'- a quotation from Shakespeare's

ক) Julious Caessar
খ) Hamlet
গ) Tempest
ঘ) As you like it

1016. P.B. Shelley's Adonais' is an elegy on the death of------

ক) John Milton
খ) A. T. Coleridge
গ) John Keats
ঘ) Lord Byron

1017. Shylock' is a character in the play

ক) Romeo and Juliet
খ) Measure for Measure
গ) The Merchant of Venice
ঘ) Twelfth Night

1018. Caliban is an important character from Shakespear's____

ক) The Tempest
খ) Hamlet
গ) Macbeth
ঘ) Othelllo

1019. Who is not a Victorian poet?

ক) Mathew Arnold
খ) Alexander Pope
গ) Robert Browning
ঘ) Alfred Tennyson

1020. London town is found a living being in the works of----

ক) Thomas Hardy
খ) Charles Dickens
গ) W. Congreve
ঘ) D. H. Lawrence

1021. Gerontion" is a poem by --

ক) T. S. Eliot
খ) W. B. Yeats
গ) Mathew Arnold
ঘ) Robert Browning

1022. The Waste Land is-

ক) an essay
খ) a novel
গ) a poem
ঘ) a play

1023. Who wrote the plays, 'The Tempest' and 'The Mid Summer Night's Dream'?

ক) Ben Johnson
খ) Christopher Marlowe
গ) John Dryden
ঘ) William Shakespeare

1024. In what year did Shakespeare died?

ক) 1570 AD
খ) 1580 AD
গ) 1630 AD
ঘ) 1616 AD

1025. Who is the poet of the 'Victorian Age'?

ক) Helen Keller
খ) Shelley
গ) Shakespare
ঘ) Robert Browning

1026. Which period does the poet Alfred Tennyson belong to?

ক) Romantic
খ) Victorian
গ) Puritan
ঘ) Elizabethan

1027. Renaissance' means the ___

ক) revival of learning
খ) revival of human rights
গ) revival of life
ঘ) revival of medieval spirit

1028. The period from AD 1066 to 1500 is known as-

ক) The old English Period
খ) The Middle English Period
গ) The Anglo Saxon Period
ঘ) The Victorian Period

1029. Which of the following ages in literary history is the latest?

ক) The Augustan Age
খ) The Victorian Age
গ) The Georgian Age
ঘ) The Restoration Age

1030. Ode কী?

ক) শোককবিতা
খ) পত্রকাব্য
গ) খণ্ড কবিতা
ঘ) কোরাসগান

1031. In English literature the 'Limerick' refers to-

ক) Lyrical poems of five lines
খ) Irony poems of five lines
গ) Funny poems of live lines
ঘ) Elegy of live lines

1032. Which of the following is not a poetic tradition?

ক) The Epic
খ) The Comic
গ) The Occult
ঘ) the Tragic

1033. The 'poet Laureate' is--

ক) a winner of Nobel Prize in poetry
খ) the poet of the country
গ) the court poet of England
ঘ) a classical poet

1034. পরীক্ষা খুবই নিকটবর্তী' এর সঠিক ইংরেজি অনুবাদ কোনটি?

ক) The examination is coming soon
খ) The examination will start soon
গ) The examination is knocking at the door
ঘ) The examination in beginning soon

1035. আমি অপমান অপেক্ষা মৃত্যু পছন্দ করি -

ক) I prefer death from dishonour
খ) I liked death more than dishonour
গ) I prefer death more than insult
ঘ) I prefer death to dishonour

1036. আমি এটা না করে পারলাম না

ক) I could not help do it
খ) I could not help doing it
গ) I could not help to do it
ঘ) I could not but did it

1037. Identify the correct translation: "আমি কাজটি করিয়েছি ।

ক) I have done the work
খ) I did the work
গ) I have got the work done
ঘ) I not the work done

1038. The correct translation of 'Tar Bari Jessore' is -

ক) His house is in Jessore
খ) He lives in Jessore
গ) He hails from Jessore
ঘ) His home is Jessore

1039. The baby is always smiling" এর বাংলা অনুবাদ হলে--

ক) শিশুটি সবসময় হাসছে
খ) শিশুটি সবসময় হাসে
গ) শিশুটির মুখ হাসিতে ভরা
ঘ) শিশুটির মুখে হাসি লেগেই আছে

1040. মুষলধারে বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে ।

ক) It is raining in torrents.
খ) It is rains continuously.
গ) It is raining cats and dogs.
ঘ) It has been raining seriously.

1041. He lives from hand to mouth

ক) সে রোজগারের ওপর খায়
খ) সে কষ্ট করে খায়
গ) সে হাতে রোজগার করে, মুখে খায়
ঘ) সে দিন আনে দিন খায়

1042. He has gone to dog-এর সঠিক বঙ্গানুবাদ কোনটি?

ক) সে কুকুর তাড়িয়েছে।
খ) সে গোল্লায় গেছে।
গ) সে কুকুর ভালবাসে।
ঘ) সে কুকুর নিয়ে গেছে।

1043. It is a long story ' এর সঠিক বাংলা অনুবাদ --

ক) সে এক বিরাট ইতিহাস
খ) বড় কাহিনী
গ) সে অনেক কথা
ঘ) সে অনেক বড় কাহিনী

1044. The translation of 'কখন থেকে বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে' ?

ক) When has it been raining ?
খ) Since when has it been raining?
গ) How long has it been raining?
ঘ) From when has it been raining ?

1045. সেই কনকলে শীতে আমি কাঁপতে লাগলাম- Which one is the right translation?

ক) I began to tremble in that biting cold.
খ) I began trembling in that biting cold.
গ) I was trembling in that terrible cold.
ঘ) The trembling of me began in that biting cold.

1046. অন্যের দোষ ধরা সহজ-

ক) It is easy to Find Fault with others
খ) It is easy to Find out Faults of others
গ) It is easy to Find Fault of others
ঘ) It is easy to Find out Fault of others

1047. He can make you do this' এর সঠিক বঙ্গানুবাদ?

ক) সে তোমার জন্য এটি করতে পারবে
খ) সে তোমাকে দিয়ে এটি করাতে পারবে
গ) সে ও তুমি এটি করতে পাবে
ঘ) সে তোমার জন্য এটি করতে পাবে

1048. The correct translation of "দুঃখের প্রয়োজনীয়তা মধুর” is-

ক) Sweet are the uses of adversity
খ) Sweet is the uses of adversity
গ) Sweet uses of adversity
ঘ) Sweet do not use the adversity

1049. শিশুটি কাঁদতে কাঁদতে আমার কাছে এল ।

ক) The child comes to me run
খ) The child came to me running
গ) The child came to me crying
ঘ) The child came to me to cry

1050. লোকটি হাসতে হাসতে আমার কাছে আসলো ।

ক) The man comes to me by laugh.
খ) The man came to me by laugh.
গ) The man came to me laughing.
ঘ) The man coming to me laugh.

আমাদের মোবাইল অ্যাপ ডাউনলোড করুন

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