বিষয়ঃ Other
44601. A London -based group that took humanitarian aid during the Liberation War of Bangladesh is known as -
44602. The ratio of two numbers is 3:4 and their H.C.F. is 4 . Their L.C.M. is :
44603. The 52nd Convocation Speaker of the University of Dhaka is -
44604. The smallest 6-digit number exactly divisible by 111 is
44607. 'Sohrai' is the festival of the ethnic community named -
44608. 'সাহিত্যের কাছে প্রত্যাশা' কার লেখা বই ?
44609. অনূদিত গ্রন্থ 'নিঃসঙ্গতার একশ বছর' - এর মূল লেখকঃ
44610. Sumerian Civilization is a part of .... civilization .
44611. 'কোথায় স্বর্গ কোথায় নরক কে বলে তা বহুদূর' - এই অমর পঙক্তির রচয়িতাঃ
44612. Before nationalization in 1972 , the former name of present Janata Bank Ltd. was-
44613. The bank note of Bangladesh which has the impression of Central Shaheed Minar is
44614. কাননে কুসুম কলি সকলি ফুটিল' - এই বাক্যে 'কাননে' কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি ?
44615. The Parki beach of Bangladesh is located at
44618. The founder of the BRAC Sir Fazle Hasan Abed was recently awarded the highly prestigious -
44620. The proposed 'Exclusive Tourist Zone ' will be at .... beach .
44621. 'ও কি গাড়িয়াল ভাই কত রব আমি পন্থের দিকে চাইয়া রে' - কোন ধরনের গান ?
44624. নিচের কোন বানানগুচ্ছ শুদ্ধ ?
44626. 'চাষাভূষার কাব্য' কার রচনা ?
44627. 'প্রাগৈতিহাসিক' গল্পের রচয়িতা -
44631. Cessation of arms before a formal treaty is signed during war
44643. Please give him medicines if his temperature will rise .
44644. Men have been known how important the sun is to them.
44645. His speech was optimistic , but at the end of it he stroke a note of caution .
44646. As no one knows the truth as fully as him , no one but him can provide the testimony .
44647. At the end of the play about women's liberation, the leading lady cautioned the audience not to judge womanhood by the way she dresses .
44650. An electronic path, that sends signals from one part of computer to another is a __